Statistical Analysis of Rates and Trends


This application allows the automatic calculation of a descriptive table containing the number of cases (N) and its percentage (%), the crude rate (CR), the age standardized rate (ASR, with any standard population provided by the user), the truncated ASR rate (TR) and the cumulative rate (CumulR).

Estimated Annual Percent Change (EAPC)
This web application allows the computation of the Estimated Annual Percent Change (EAPC) and its confidence interval for the sex and disease-groups defined by the user. Under the assumption of linearity on the log scale, which is equivalent to a constant change assumption, the EAPC is calculated using a generalized linear model considering a Gaussian distribution for the age-standardized rate.

Expected cases
The purpose of this application is to produce the expected number of cases for a certain population based on the time trends from the data file provided. The population for which the expected number of cases needs to be computed can either be from the same geographical area but in a different time period or from a different geographical area.

Standardized Incidence or Mortality Ratio (SIMR)
This tool allows automated calculation of the standardized incidence or mortality ratio (SIMR) and its confidence interval. The SIMR is the ratio of cases observed versus the expected. The user should provide the observed population incidence and mortality by cause and sex and age group and the comparison population (reference).

SART User Manual (PDF)


Esteban L, Clèries R, Langohr K, Gálvez J, Pareja L, Escribà JM, et al. Statistical Analysis of Rates and Trends (SART): a web-based tool for statistical calculation of population indicators. Gac Sanit [Internet]. 2011 Jun 27 [cited 2011 Aug 25];25(5):427–31.

Esteban L, Clèries R, Gálvez J, Pareja L, Escribà JM, Sanz X et al. REGSTATTOOLS: freeware statistical tools for the analysis of disease population databases used in health and social studies.Izquierdo A, Galcerán J, Ribes J. BMC Public Health. 2013 Mar 7; 13:201. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-201.